4 Days Per Week – approx. 90 mins per day on the pitch not including Position-Specific Training, S&C, Video Analysis, Coach Education, or game time.

We will aim to play a scrimmage a week and for long-term participants, we will look to enter international tournaments.

All of our academy coaches are linked to our sister organization European Elite Soccer. European Elite Soccer is a soccer academy in Ireland with UEFA Pro, A & B license coaches that educate players on individual and group tactics, while also paying attention to technical qualities.

Yes, if players are over the age of 18, all players 18 or older will undergo Garda (Police) background checks by the vetting bureau which will allow them to participate in a safeguarding children course as well as Ireland’s National Coaching Course the PDP 1 & PDP2. Longer team 6- & 9-month program participants will also take part in the PDP3 adult amateur licence. All of which fall under the Football Association of Ireland player coaching pathway.

Other players on the course and where good enough will be invited to train with league of Ireland professional soccer clubs.

Online, via our registration section REGISTER HERE.

Yes, it will help get your child a college scholarship. Through our vast contacts in the College game, we will be inviting US college coaches to watch clips of scrimmages played in Europe as well participating in a full-time professional set up and world-class coaching can only enhance a player’s game.

As all our games will be against top European opposition, professional scouts will from time to time check in on some players of interest, and if good enough your child will be noticed.

We have several different options including some tester 2-week courses and 1-week camps that do not include education. We always recommend a 3-month program that will allow your child to experience a full semester of school up to 6 college credits along with high-quality coaching and even coaching education.

Yes, check out our camp program section on our website or our 2-week tester course.

Game time is always important and each child will receive equal playing time throughout the 3 months.